rebeka ([info]rebeka) wrote on November 29th, 2005 at 12:26 am
threw you the obvious and you flew
with it on your back, a name in your recollection,
thrown down among a million same.
difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed
and passed over
when i've looked right through
to see you naked and oblivious
you don't see me.but i threw you the obvious
just to see if there's more behind the eyes
of a fallen angel,
the eyes of a tragedy.
here i am expecting just a little bit
too much from the wounded.
but i see through it all
and see you.
so i threw you the obvious
to see what occurs behind the eyes of a fallen angel,
eyes of a tragedy.
oh well. apparently nothing.
you don't see me.
you don't see me at all.

negribeeju piesmeereet zhurnaalu nekad shaadi. bet nu to izdariiju, jo gribeeju.
atkal nekas nestaav uz vietas. un kaut kaa viss notiek.
shonakt es rakstiishu. kaut tik sen nebiju to dariijusi.
es gaidu veestules. laikam pagaidaam veel tikai pirmo:)
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