raphael - August 17th, 2010
August 17th, 2010
8/17/10 12:19 am
pamazaam nolieku savas peedas uz produktivitaates tacinjas. ir skaidri meerkji. atliek izdariit melno darbu, veltiit gadus tieshi tam, 6 dienas nedeeljaa pamosties ar skaidru un fokuseetu praatu un es buushu tur, kur veelos buut.

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8/17/10 12:22 am
Ar shodienu saakshu savu practice blogu.

Shodien praktizeeju:
-major patterns, melodic minor pattern, diminished pattern
-3rds on Unknown Voices
-arpeggio patterns
-3rds on There Will Never Be Another You
-pattern on TWNBAY
-triads on TWNBAY

Riitdien veelos izdariit to pashu + :
-upper structures on TWNBAY
-pentatonic patterns
-on Unknown Voices
-3rds on Turn Off The Noisy Thinking Machine
-7th chords on tune
-chord structure through scales and on tune

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