8,2 Lamentari - Missa Pro Defunctis
8,1 Deep Purple – Whoosh!
7,9 Vesperian Sorrow - Regenesis Creation /2016-2019/
7,9 REGNAT HORRENDUM - Transilvanian Shadow
7,9 Ozzy Osbourne - Ordinary Man
7,9 Majestic XII - Praises for the Floating Spirits
7,9 Diabolical Raw – Estrangement /2019/
7,8 Candles and Wraiths – Candelabia /2019/
7,8 Omnianthropy – Therion /2019/
7,8 Rick Wakeman – Red Planet
7,7 Apocalyptica - Cell-0
7,6 Moonthoth - Battlehymns (Full Ep)
7,4 Helioss - Devenir le soleil
7,4 Xazraug - Unsympathetic Empyrean
7,3 Solus - Mournival
7,3 Khôra – Timaeus
7,3 Coated With Filth - Like Sacrificial Lambs
7,2 Amidst the Withering - Such Devils We Sham
7 Burzum - Thulêan Mysteries
7 Night Abyss - Curse of the ancient abyss /2019/
7 Midnight Descension - Quarantine
7 Dead On Mars - Transcendence
7 Outlaw - The Fire In My Tomb
7 Natura Aeternum - Will-o'-the-wisp
7 Ensom – Civilizations /2019/
6,9 Eminentia Tenebris - Whirlwind of Dark Times
6,9 Odin's Forest - Death's Salvation
6,9 Magnum -The Serpent Rings