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[25 Dec 2005|12:05am]
[ mood | a bit sad... ]

All I want for Christmas is u...

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[11 Dec 2005|11:17pm]
[ mood | laimiigs :) ]
[ music | autumns monologue ]

Why do we close our eyes when we dream, when we pray, when we cry, when we kiss...?
Because the most beautiful things in the life are not seen :)

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This is cool... ;) [10 Dec 2005|01:53am]
[ mood | dikti prieciigs ]
[ music | We are family!!! ]

Shajaa piektdienaa paliku maajaas, jo bii taac kaa pasaaciens ar radiem... Tik nenormaali kruti... Tik miiliigi & yestri pavadiiju laiku... Vnk mana familya ir supaa, uzzinaaju daudz & debiilas lietas!!! huh, esmu ljoti apmierinaac, jo pat radu tusi, kas man gandriiz vienmeer ir kaiteejushi, shoreiz bija tieshaam nice... :) Beidzot pa ilgiem laikiem labi notuseeju 5dienaa... ;)

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HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [29 Nov 2005|03:35pm]
[ mood | pikc "x ]

Es nepaartraukti cieshu no paaraak lielaam ambiicijaam & paaraak mazas sajeegas!!!!! "x

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Grrrrr... "x [22 Nov 2005|08:36pm]
[ mood | pikc & sakaitinaac ]

Stulbais Heidzha & stulbaa fizika!!!!!!!

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[16 Nov 2005|08:10pm]
[ mood | sexiigs ]
[ music | sexual revolution ;) ]

Suuda buushana, kur ir sniegs?!
Viss taac peleex & plix "/
Ieshu dejot savu sniega deju ;)

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[09 Oct 2005|09:08pm]
[ mood | pilniigs idioc ]

Nu fuck, nu, domaa liidzi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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[01 Oct 2005|09:53pm]
[ mood | normiigs ]

Vkr bii tiiri fojsh... Aardiijos pa Vecriigu, satuseeju ar jauniem cilv, piedzeerinaajos... "D Well bii ok, bet nu yey, shon visu dienu taisiiju to fuckeno fiziku "x Vnk visu dienu papisu kkaadaam 2 debiilaam tabulaam... Itkaa visa diena papista, bet nekas naw izdariic "x...
btw kapeec es esmu tik nekaarttiigs?! man vnk visa istaba vienos meeslos & lai kaa es vaaktu pa ned piedirshaas atkal...

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[27 Sep 2005|12:42am]
[ mood | galiigi debiils "P ]

Fui, cik sen nebija nekas raxtiic... Vnk palasiiju visu shito & acereejos visaadas 'huinjas'... "D ... Diivaini.

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[27 Sep 2005|12:37am]
[ mood | pikc "x ]

Feel sick... "/
Skola - pretiiga ;)

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[07 Apr 2005|10:08pm]
[ mood | calm ]


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Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... [25 Mar 2005|12:09pm]
[ mood | angry ]

Stupid boys!!!

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Tieshi shaads man shobriid feelings...................... [14 Mar 2005|10:31pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Nelly Furtado - Try ]

All I know
Is everything is not as it's sold
but the more I grow the less I know
And I have lived so many lives
Though I'm not old
And the more I see, the less I grow
The fewer the seeds the more I sow

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try

I wish I hadn't seen all of the realness
And all the real people are really not real at all
The more I learn the more I cry
As I say goodbye to the way of life
I thought I had designed for me

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try

All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be
And that's wonderful, and that's life
And that's you, baby
This is me, baby
And we are, we are, we are, we are
In our love
We are free in our love

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[13 Mar 2005|09:54pm]
[ mood | angry ]

Psc kaa var buut tik stulbs?! Nah es ar taadiem visp sapinos?! Bet peec sliktaa naak labais vsmz labaax, shajaa gadiijumaa jaw lkm chist... ")

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[04 Mar 2005|04:45pm]
[ mood | drunk ]

Shon visu dienu juutos kaa paalii ... Viss taac leenc, peldoshs, miglainc ... Reibst & reeka naak "D ... Runaaju & daru visaadas debiiliibas "P

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[24 Feb 2005|03:20pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Mmmmmmmmmmh...slimojos tgd, feels suudiigs, dariit ar naw ko... Zinu, ka nozheeloshu shos vaardus, bet ... es gribu uz skolu!!! [gosh, ar mani chist kkas naw kaartiibaa] ")

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[19 Feb 2005|11:30am]
[ mood | blah ]

Vienk juutos stulbi ... no more comm ... "/

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[14 Feb 2005|08:43pm]
[ mood | blah ]

Nu man shii diena i visai debiila... Skola vienk nenormaali chakaree labo feelingu... shon bii jaaiet pie sociaalaa pedagoga runaat par bastotajaam stundaa, kuraam visaam man bii ziimes [njaa, forsh, ka tgd man netic, pat aarsta ziimei meegjina piesiet, ka esmu viltojusi "x] tad kjiimijaa bii jaaraxta kkaac debiilz kd, kameer paareejie njeema jauno vielu, tur man vienk buus psc, jo kameer visa klase aardaas ir visai gruuti sakoncentreeties & uzraxtiit kkaadus tizlus uzd, atziimes galiigaa assaa... "/ Ar senciem ar tgd sanaak padirsties... Supaa...
Btw prieciigus jums ar shos pretiigi rozaa sveetkus ") [izmociic]

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[09 Feb 2005|08:14pm]
[ mood | good ]

Shon atkal bii lekcijas par sexiem :)) Galiigi neinchiiga diena... wbuut Mzs & Dnc pie maniim shon, uzpiipeesim h2o paipu ar viinogu tabacinju :)

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[02 Feb 2005|08:00pm]
[ mood | full ]

Nu shon vienk nereaali debiila diena skolaa... sadirsos ar 2 skolotaajiem [lkm vinjiem nepatiik, ka shpiko:], taa jaw uzeedushies uz maniim...buus vel vairaak ... peec sk pie me Mzs, Dnc & Bils... piipeejaam h2o paipu ;)

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