Gļuku gļuki
Gļuku gļuki

Gļuku gļuki - 18. Decembris 2003
18. Decembris 2003
- 18.12.03 01:56
- a filma Italian Job ir interesanta. Jābrauc būs uz Teātra muzeju rīt, precīzāk, šodien. Jāiet čučēt laikam.
2 rakstair doma
- 18.12.03 07:54
- Had a lot of fun living life on the run,
Never had a chance to pause to get a better glance
Everything was free and everything was fast
Never even thought it wouldn't last
Mūzika: Limp Bizkit - Lonely World
Garastāvoklis:: ..I.,
0 rakstair doma
- 18.12.03 15:43
- šodiena ibja interesanta. Vajadzēja man braukt uz to Smiļģa muzeju Pārdaugavā. Rīgā biju pec 9iem. Normāli. Aizgāju līdz boulingam, paēdu, viss kedā. Bet tad, kad bija plānots, ka jāiet uz to muzeju, aizgāju arī, tikai... dabūju turp atpaka\ļ divas reizes iet. Tb turp atpakaļ no boulinga uz muzeju, un t;a divas reizes. Aizgāju, kad zvanu, kur pārējie klasesbiedri, uz ko man atbild - skolā. Nospļāvos, aizgāj uuz boulingu, viss bija cool. Tas nekas, k ameigs nāk nenormāli. Bet vienalga.
Rīt sacensības. 10.00 sākums. Jāsaņemās un jānospēlē cik labi vien iespējams. Ehh, jāizguļās arī būtu tā kā ;))
Mūzika: 2 Pac - Changes
Garastāvoklis:: miegains
0 rakstair doma
- 18.12.03 15:48
- Colt 45 and two Zig Zags, baby that's all we need.
We can go to the park after dark, smoke that tumbleweed.
And as the marijuana burns we can take our turns, singing them dirty rap songs
Damn, I'm gettin' crazy.
Mūzika: Afroman - Crazy Rap
0 rakstair doma
- Dire Straits - Why Worry (damn, this song is great...)
- 18.12.03 21:16
- Baby I see this world has made you sad
Some people can be bad
The things they do, the things they say
But baby I'll wipe away those bitter tears
I'll chase away those restless fears
That turn your blue skies into grey
Why worry, there should be laughter after the pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Baby when I get down I turn to you
And you make sense of what I do
I know it isn't hard to say
But baby just when this world seems mean and cold
Our love comes shining red and gold
And all the rest is by the way
Why worry, there should be laughter after pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Mūzika: Dire Straits - Why Worry
Garastāvoklis:: thoughtful
0 rakstair doma
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