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Feb. 14th, 2010|02:56 pm

no manas puses šodien tikai īsziņu apmaiņa starp mani un Danielu.

Es [03:16] :''I wish you were here. I know, maybe you don`t care or you are scearing from something, but... i just wanted you to know.''

Daniels [5:48] :''You know, I like you really much, not only sex, also you!:) but I am not looking for something too serious. Have to say that I think, hope it`s not too bad. But don`t want to lie to you.''

Es [5:53] :''Do you date and sleep with other girls also, not only me? The true!''

Daniels [5:56] :''No. You are only one right now. I just not ready for something serious. You are really sweet - it`s just me, need time without relationships. But don`t get it wrong, I like you!''

Es [5:59] :''So, it`s ''just for fun'' for you?''

Daniels [06:02] :''Sorry, what shall I say, know it`s stupid''

Es [06:07] :''Okay, good to know it now, not more later............''

Daniels [06:26] :''Just don`t want to make something not true. I like you.  So don`t want you to get sad''

Es vairs neatbildēju.

Šorīt. Daniels [14:09] :''Hey how you feel today?''

Man vairs nav ko teikt.

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