| prudentia wrote on February 20th, 2013 at 09:25 pm |
And so.
It's been years now. Not much has changed though. Still the same old pathetic self destructed bitch who cannot pull herself together. Although it's not something new It's just that this so called personal "quality" starts to flourish and develop some new deeper and stronger roots then ever before. Let's consider this as exploring new Horizons now shall we..
Is it still that it's just too safe and sound inside so I pull all windows wide open to let the storm in and demolish all what's in its way?
They say this is the first day of the rest of your life. And how have you lived it so far? Well for me i'd say the last few ones - da hell.. Was crap. Though, I created that hell. It's all thanks to myself. But well Who da hell wants to live a happy life after all? Isn't that the human nature to self-deconstruction and and rebuilding over and over again?
Happiness is just an illusion that never existed in the first place. It's just those leftovers and traces of naive dreams of childhood that slowly disappears in the shadows of past. If there's any chance for a considerably decent state of my mind tonight than the only way to achieve it is by getting some fresh air.
And that's what I'll do.
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