aksiomātiskie vektori
aksiomātiskie vektori

aksiomātiskie vektori - 13. Novembris 2023
13. Novembris 2023
- 13.11.23 19:24
- 'In fact, the evolution of our entire planet may be driven by the microscopic quantum state of these iron atoms. One special feature of iron is its "spin state," which is a quantum property of the electrons in each iron atom that drives their magnetic behavior and reactivity in chemical reactions. Changes in the spin state can influence whether iron prefers to be in the molten rock or in solid form and how well the molten rock conducts electricity.'
0 aksiomasieteikt virzienu
- 13.11.23 23:47
- Greatest Events of WWII in Colour E1-5 (2019)
2 aksiomasieteikt virzienu
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