aksiomātiskie vektori
aksiomātiskie vektori

aksiomātiskie vektori - 24. Janvāris 2023
24. Janvāris 2023
- 24.1.23 10:19
- 'A persistent alternative explanation posits that scram is an acronym for "safety control rod axe man", which was supposedly coined by Enrico Fermi when the world's first nuclear reactor was built under the spectator seating at the University of Chicago's Stagg Field. That reactor had an actual control rod tied to a rope, with a man with an axe standing next to it.'
0 aksiomasieteikt virzienu
- 24.1.23 19:01
- Puss in Boots (2011)
0 aksiomasieteikt virzienu
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