aksiomātiskie vektori
aksiomātiskie vektori

aksiomātiskie vektori - 21. Maijs 2018
21. Maijs 2018
- 21.5.18 12:24
- Tas noteikti ir indi-fiduāli, bet riņķveida pārslēgšanās starp vairākiem darbiem ir vienīgais, kas mani var pacelt flow režīmā.
0 aksiomasieteikt virzienu
- 21.5.18 23:24
- "No, we don't put theories into practice. We create theories out of practice. .. The theory is the child of the cure, not the opposite - ex cura theoria nascitur."
"As to the hobbyist in general, evidence shows him (along with the hungry adventurer and the private investor) to be at the source on the Industrial Revolution." NNT
dekodējas: Biosphere - Kobresia
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