aksiomātiskie vektori
aksiomātiskie vektori

aksiomātiskie vektori - 31. Decembris 2016
31. Decembris 2016
- 31.12.16 14:19
- “I am sometimes taken aback by how people can have a miserable day or get angry because they feel cheated by a bad meal, cold coffee, a social rebuff, or a rude reception. [..] We are quick to forget that just being alive is an extraordinary piece of good luck, a remote event, a chance of occurrence of monstrous proportions.
Imagine a speck of dust next to a planet a billion times the size of the Earth. The speck of dust represents the odds in favor of your being born; the huge planet would be the odds against it. So stop sweating the small stuff. Don’t be like the ingrate who got a castle as a present and worried about the mildew in the bathroom. Stop looking at the gift horse in the mouth – remember that you are a Black Swan. And thank you for reading my book."
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Black Swan [2007]
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