aksiomātiskie vektori
aksiomātiskie vektori

aksiomātiskie vektori - 22. Oktobris 2011
22. Oktobris 2011
- 22.10.11 15:35
- A long article on Joseph Nagyvary's work appeared in the March 1984 issue of Science (Vol.5, No. 2). It is titled "The Stradivarius formula - better music through chemistry". It describes his research on how the old Cremona masters used chemical to change the properties (stiffness) of the wood with chemicals. It also discusses the chitin varnishes. Here are some quotes.
"When he measured the elemental composition of Italian varnishes, scrapings of which he obtained from violins that were being refinished, he found them to be made of chitin, a compound that is among the strongest polymers known. It is also the major component of wings and skeletons of insects. -The old alchemists used to connect feelings and emotions to their chemicals, and I suppose the buzzing sound of dragonflies and bumblebees symbolized to them the sound that musical instruments could produce."
" ... with hard chitin varnishes, the vibrations of the wood are enhanced .. "
"There aren't many dragonflies in Texas, and collecting bumblebees in sufficient quantity entails some risk, so Nagyvary uses shrimp shells as a source of chitin. The chemical trick to obtain soluble chitin reads like an alchemy recipe, simple and dangerous:
1. Boil 1 lb. of shrimp shells with strong lye for a whole day.
2. Strain it through cheesecloth and wash the residue with lots of water
3. Dissolve residue in vinegar to a maple syrup consistency
The resulting stain produces a deep rich color when applied to spruce or maple."
0 aksiomasieteikt virzienu
- 22.10.11 22:18
- Marija Stjuarte (Dž. Dž. Džilindžers)
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