zemapzinnas modulis' Journal
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Friday, May 21st, 2004

    Time Event
    tur pa donavu peld āķis ar pušu plēstu skavu rauda ar atvērtu muti stāsti man stāsti par kara varavīksni kam lai dod roku kādreiz redzot redzi meti pakavi dubļi kā var atrast sevi pretī.
    is it fading or is it gone do self assesment to provoke detoriation or maybe renewable armchair would provide such distinct affirmation. does as it seems to provide us to develop to contribute asshole do the same as yesterday or may you close the window please or shut the door open your mind no no no eye lid open your eye lid and shut the door there are too many happy people to be fare to clock the shower andtotrust die kunzten aber naturaalisch spricht du profume perfume you fool day is gone by its tail to follow depends on your self assesment or shall i pray to god above your precious andaluzija kurlmema? dur drup as pačas
    its like glancig on magazine as it was a power
    they put a remembering stick in between two assaults
    and the they tell us that it belongs to promotion of the chancelor
    we are to believe it or not
    do we proveke such attitude
    or is it just destination of our thoughts
    which as to say deteriorate

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