kiss kiss kauns |
Mar. 19th, 2011|11:10 am |
"Finally, the shamed tend to anticipate feeling humiliated and disapproved of by others, and this can lead to hostility, even fury. Quite often, shame makes us want to punish others. When angry, shame-prone individuals are more likely to be malevolent, indirectly aggressive or self-destructive - their anger finds no appropriate expression." "Shaming acts as a pressure valve to relieve parental frustration. Shaming is anger-release for the parent, it makes the shamer feel better - if only momentarily." Parenting for peaceful world by R. Grille
Jā, un vēl viņš stāsta, ka kaunināšana vislabāk 'iedarbojas' no tuvu, nozīmīgu cilvēku puses. Un cilvēks, piem., gribētu sākt uz līdzenas vietas 'nepiemērotā vietā/veidā' dejot vai vienkārši dejot, a tad atcerās, ka, ja tā dara, tad uzvedās bērnišķīgi un tā nedrīkst. |