kāpēc bērnība no svara |
Feb. 4th, 2011|05:47 pm |
"Well, the human brain, unlike any other mammal, for the most part develops under the influence of the environment. And that’s because, from the evolutionary point of view, we developed these large heads, large fore-brains, and to walk on two legs we have a narrow pelvis. That means—large head, narrow pelvis—we have to be born prematurely. Otherwise, we would never get born. The head already is the biggest part of the body. Now, the horse can run on the first day of life. Human beings aren’t that developed for two years. That means much of our brain development, that in other animals occurs safely in the uterus, for us has to occur out there in the environment. And which circuits develop and which don’t depend very much on environmental input." izgriezums no šejienes visdažādāko atkarību sakarā, bet skaidro jau no mazāk dienām prātoto (diez kāpēc visi citi staigā, bet cilvēkbērni un ķengurēni nekā), kā arī pavisam bioloģiski līdz ar to tip 'ticamāk' kāpēc ir būtiski apjaust un saprast ko (ne)dari ar mazu cilvēkbērnu, nevis tikai seko automātiski tam kā ar pašu ir darīts, vnk tāpēc vien 'ka tā dara'. |