[Dec. 10th, 2010|12:26 am] |
"Emotional intelligence is what enables good relationships. It is the essential ingredient that individuals need in order to create, maintain and participate meaningfully in democratic, peaceful, and effective institutions. Since the foundations of emotional intelligence developed in childhood, cultural attitudes towards children determine the kind of society we have." (no R. Grille 'Parenting for peaceful world') ok tas vai demokrātija ir 'derīgākais' pārvaldes veids joprojām neesmu izprātojusi, taču, ka emocionālā inteliģence ir baigā lieta, konstatēju ar vien vairāk. Un, ka baigais svars ir no tā, kā ir tad, kad esi maziņš, arī izklausās visnotaļ loģiski. Savu mammu varētu ar šo terminu iepazīstināt i vēl bariņu citu. I pēc tam ar visiem aukstāk minētajiem saplēstos, tāpēc vien, ka teikto to, ko šamie labāk izliekas neredzam un nedzirdam.:) vispār kaut kādu zīmogu pierē vajadzētu cilvēkiem, kas nav gatavi harmoniskai socializācijai. nu vai arī vnk pleeka varētu uzmanīgi ņemt vērā savu iekšējo balsi, kas, ja ņem vērā teoriju, iečiepstas tikai vienreiz. |
[Dec. 10th, 2010|12:41 am] |
pleeka atkal vienīgā, kas dīdās pēc komunikācijas. ļauži tik paziņo, ka laikam jau gulēt, rīt uz darbu, vai arī vnk ne čiku ne grabu. vajadzētu kā kārtīgam pilsonim likties mierā un gaidīt uzaicinājumu, un gaidot, filmu vai muļķiku paskatīties. A bet, ja tas, kas patīk un ko gribu, ir komunicēt ne ekrānā skatīties, ko tad, a? kur tagad mana pašpietiekamība? bet nu neko, uzstutējam lepnumu (ja jums nevajag, tad es arī izlikšos, ka nevajag:) ) i bliežam tālāk. šitais gan jau arī kkāds 4gadīgā emocionālās intel. līmenis.:) |
[Dec. 10th, 2010|08:41 pm] |
ar mani apieties šādi i pašai nedarīt pretēji:
There will be four major turning points in your life in which you must honor a specific strategy in order to be successful It is at these times when you absolutely must receive a formal invitation in order to know that you are entering into them correctly. They are:
- The invitation to love - The invitation to career - The invitation to bond with others - The invitation to a place to live
You need to train those around you to invite you and help them to understand that you are less likely to pick up the phone and call people, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t care about them. ehhh
tambien: Every person in your life who does not recognize your needs and respect your design is a physical burden on your energy system and health.
Do not compromise. If you are not recognized, there is no relationship possible with that particular person. If you do not wait to be recognized for who you are, the energy you take on from those around you will make you sick.
galva ko ņemās? Head is the center of inspiration, thinking and mental pressure. Having it undefined means that most of your thoughts, questions as well as your inspiration come from outside. That's why you constantly think about things that don't matter (to you) and why your head is full of questions. Trying to answer them all creates a lot of mental pressure. You can learn to have questions without the need to answer them. Ask yourself from time to time: Am I thinking about things that don't matter? Am I still trying to answer everybody else's questions? Potential wisdom of the open Head: I know which questions are important for me to think about or not. I know who and what is inspiring for me and I am free of mental pressure.
a bremzes, kur?! te - Go to bed as soon as you are tired. Ask yourself from time to time: Do I know when enough is enough? Potential wisdom of the open Sacral: I know when enough is enough. Projectors need a lot of rest. (oiii, kā plēka pilnīgi oficiāli tikko nomurrājās:)))))) |