Kaķu spēciņš - 3. Septembris 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Kaķu spēciņš

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3. Septembris 2005

My Autumn's Done Come [3. Sep 2005|00:44]
[Current Mood |cocorosie]
[Current Music |My Autumn's Done Come]

Stellastarr* - My Coco
The Concretes - Seems Fine (Suffle Version)
Lambchop - Each Time I Bring It Up It Seems To Bring You Down
Tindersticks - Until The Morning Comes (live @ Morning becomes Eclectic)
Cocorosie - Tahiti Rain Song (Terrible Angels/ Milk)
Adam Green - Eating Noddemix (Young Marrble Giants cover)
The Pipettes - School Uniform
The Super Furry Animals - Juxtaposed With U
Editors - Fingers In the Factory
Sufjan Stevens - The One i Love (R.E.M. cover)
Bloc Party - Pioneers (M83 remix)
Cocorosie - West side
The Rosebuds - Back To Boston

P.S secība - randominizēta (ar varbūtības teoriju)
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