
Jo slimaak...

(no subject) @ 11:11 am

I Could…If They Would
If they would find a cure when I'm a kid…
I could ride a bike and sail on rollerblades, and
I could go on really long nature hikes.
If they would find a cure when I'm a teenager…
I could earn my license and drive a car, and
I could dance every dance at my senior prom.
If they would find a cure when I'm a young adult…
I could travel around the world and teach peace, and
I could marry and have children of my own.
If they would find a cure when I'm grown old…
I could visit exotic places and appreciate culture, and
I could proudly share pictures of my grandchildren.
If they would find a cure when I'm alive…
I could live each day without pain and machines, and
I could celebrate the biggest thank you of life ever.
If they would find a cure when I'm buried into Heaven…
I could still celebrate with my brothers and sister there, and
I could still be happy knowing that I was part of the effort.

Šī dzejoļa autors mira 13 gadu vecumā. Sāka rakstīt dzejoļus 3 gadu vecumā. Mira no retas slimības.


(no subject) @ 11:01 pm

Vakars ar sarkanvīnu un sveci.
Salūza iekšpusē korķis.
Stumt korķi pudelē nevēlējos.
Pierunāju sevi aiziet pie kaimiņiem pēc palīdzības.

Vakars ar sarkanvīnu un sveci.
Nekas tevi neizbojās.



Jo slimaak...