Tuesday, April 8th, 2003
kāpēc cilvēki, kurus, pēc mūsu domām, tik labi pazīstam, dažreiz izrādās īsti liekuļi??? kāpēc viņi tā sāpina? es to vienkārši nesaprotu.... patiesums viens: ne visi kam tici & mīli nevar atnest tev sāpju vilni...
(Atstātas 14 piezīmes | Ja ir ko teikt...)
| Saturday, April 5th, 2003
I try to breathe Memories overtaking me I try to face them but The thought is too much to conceive I only know that I can change Everything else just stays the same So now I step out of the darkness that my life became 'cause I just needed someone to talk to You were just too busy with yourself You were never there for me To express how I felt I just stuffed it down Now I'm older and I feel like I could let some of this anger fade But it seems the surface I am scratching Is the bed that I have made So where were you? When all this I was going through You never took the time To ask me just what you could do...
(Atstātas 5 piezīmes | Ja ir ko teikt...)
| Friday, April 4th, 2003
Fri:15:03 - atvadas...
kāpēc ir tik grūti atvadīties no mīļotā cilvēka??? negribās būt šķirtai no viņa... tās ir tikai dažas dienas,bet tomēr...ilgi... skumji bez viņa...
(Atstātas 11 piezīmes | Ja ir ko teikt...)
| Thursday, April 3rd, 2003
Thu:14:33 - :-)