patrickf_q's Journal
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Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

    Time Event
    good day cont.
    Yeah, yesterday just got better and better. Lunch with Steff was really nice, went to the Ram, Jenee was our server, that was a pleasant surprise, we got comped, she got my number again, everyone was a little better off in the end. We'll see where that goes... ;)Working out was good too, played some good basketball and lifted quite a bit. Ran into Chad takin the bus home, we stopped by Brad's, before going to Red Robin with Michelle and Brittany, that was hot. Though I didnt eat, it was really nice to see Michelle again, but she didnt get a gay marriage license in San Fransisco like I was hoping she would. Hanging out with Brittany was pretty entertaining too, it would have been nice to see Brad to let his pair drop and talk to her more, but what are ya gonna do? After that, Michelle decided to be a bitch and went home while the remaining 4 of us saw Anchorman downtown.I shat myself for about an hour and a half, if it wasn't because the movie it was funny, it was because of Chad keeling over all over me. Homo. That movie was seriously a riot though, my sides hurt by the end of it, thanks mostly in part to movie's strong jab at Bush and his administration. Aside from Fahrenheit 9/11, which I still need to see (good movie?), that was really the first strong shot some movie has taken at an American political leader that I can remember. The joke almost ruined the rest of the jokes for me, because that one is memorable and one of kind, whereas the rest of the jokes, albeit funnier than you look, were pretty much all of the same kin. It was pretty ballsy really, the stab at Bush, because well, it was unpatriotic, to say the least, and to Bush, being unpatriotic means you're a terrorist. Watch out Will Ferrell. You should definitely go see that movie if you havent, if you dont, I'm going to punch you in the ovary... yeap... right in the babymaker. HAH!Yeah, yesterday was one of the better days this year, maybe the best. It was good times, anyways, off the IMA.

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