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Saturday, January 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    You've been warned...
    Where to start... Who knows... I guess I'll just recap my life as of late. Midterms blow ass, but we all know that. I got a 90% on my architecture midterm, I was pretty excited after that, but the excited slowly dissapated thereafter. Whoops. I swear, I need to pull this quarter back together. The credits went up... the amount of work went up... the amount of drinking and partying did as well. Yeah, that totally sucks. I've been draggin ass in school, that is assuming I make it to class. I'm baffled, I've probably skipped my econ lectures than I've gone to, yet, I have helped everyone with their econ that have came to me for some help. I was even dubbed the econ master... yet, I botch pro-cyclical and counter-cyclical variables on the midterm and do relatively shitty compared to my class. Damnit. Yup... think it through... high rate of unemployment is a sign of a prosperous economy. I blew through that one and it sucked. Moving on. I cannot skip math ever again. I cannot constantly get raped by Dr. T's midterms. Only if Di and Rachelle could help me out. Crap crap crap. ...I just need to help myself out, it just seems like I'm really good at helping everyone but myself. Acutally, a bright note in math, I was pleased with myself about this, I passed my derivative skills test. Took me both attempts to do so, but that .4 NOT missing from my final grade looks good. This week, I have a crapload to take care of, arch midterm, math midterm, econ quiz, as well as schedule an appointment with the superbitch- err... the RD about thursday night. Ahhhh yes... thursday night. They finally caught me. According to Jenee, they've been trying to nail me all year long. Yup... I had just cracked open a beer and cockmonger caught me. I had to pour out 17 beers... one by one... it was the most depressing thing ever. With every beer, went a tear. *sniff sniff* It's only 10 bucks worth the beer... no prob. They also said I need to get rid of my empty bottles... ppfffffffftt, yea fuckin right. Those took a long time, and they look awesome. Hah... well, I still got the better deal. Cause I still got drunk that night and I still have, well had, all of my wine, mixers and hard a. And even better, Des restocked me! Oh yea, that was fun. Anyway, now I have to go talk to the RD, listen to her talk at me about drinking, while she tries to make me incriminate myself. After that, I get to go to the cool alcohol class and get paid. Haaaaa... get caught, lose 10 bucks in beer, and make back 80 in surveys. Huh... What a deal. :) Yeah, that'll just replenish my fridge for a while. Perhaps... fund a kegger ;) I'm still workin on that one people. On to other stuff in my life... I have this roommate, and he's a real bum. You know the stanky guy that chills infront of the computer all day. Yeah, he should get slapped more often. Homeboy forgot his girl's birthday. It's either that or he didn't go to her room to say happy birthday until 10:30 that night, after both Chad and I told him needs to do something. Yeah... good one brad, I had to listen to Becca complain about you. PUNT!!!Yeah, you deserve that one. I just don't understand how you forget, or just fail to do something. Especially after 14, 15 months.... Brad, you're a nob. Ahhhh well... we still like you bendejo... not sure why though. Maybe it's cause you formulate these uber retarded ideas for work... and pretend you're serious... like... standing on the freeway shoulder, selling cool lemonade to people, waiting in traffic. You were pretending right? I hope so, cause I know I'd swerve on over and take out your little stand hombre. Lets not all rip on brad... I mean afterall... he is Brad... isn;t that punishment enough? :P Tomorrow morning, I have to begin registering for classes and I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. Help me people. This is what I got so far: -Comparative religion, I really want this one, and have since I got here. -Accounting, I need it for the business school. Now from here, I need help... I want to take 15-17 credits, but I don't know what to take. I can take dinosaurs, that'd be fun, but I also want to finally take spanish again. But like every other quarter, it's going to be a challenge to get in those puny ass classes. And sorry Des... 8:30 ain't gonna work for me. I have yet to go to my three 8:30 lectures this quarter in any given week, let alone, 5 classes in the fall when it's cold and still dark out. I'll be in beeeeeeed :) *******MEG CAME OVER!!!!!!!!! Had to take a break!!!!************* Yeah, screw that registration crap... I have to do in less than 5 hours. Bleh. Too lazy/tired to proof read. I'm done. I'll get back to y'alls later.

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