is this the real life?

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is this the real life?

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Is this just fantasy?

Bohemian rhapsody

Anyway the wind blows.Doesn't really matter to me.
Mama,just killed a man ,put a gun against his head,pull my trigger now he's dead.

Life had just begun.

Did it?
So why do I have the feeling of being in the state - between a life and a though of how it should it be.

Goodbye everybody.
I got to go.

I don't wanna die...

So here I am opening up my skull in search of me.
Again I fail to find this mystical person.

Nobody answers...


People waist their time on world around not understanding who they are and what do they want to do with their lives.

So you think you can stop me?
Just gotta get out.

And I am one of them sadly.
I wish I knew.
I don't.
And only rare times I let it bother myself.

Anyone can see - nothing really matters to me.

I guess it will sound weird to me,but (MGMT - congratulations) I need time on my own.
Inpossible,but my own space.
Enterance only with invitations.
I am quite lonely if we measure it by seeing friends.
Still I seek solitude.

(japanese motive)

I am talking to a screen.that is silly.these words are silly.
But I still would like to go on a trip alone.
And if I could live alone.



No if's.
At least music still sooths my mind :)


Even if I'm here.I'm not here.
Or at least I think I am still soulsearching.

Destiny will find me.
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