I see the flesh, And it smells fresh, And it's just there for the taking. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Mums ar Rūdolfu pusgadiņs :]] [02 Jul 2006|03:57pm]
[ music | Cdoass - I spy ]

Tas jau nopietni )

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[02 Jul 2006|04:35pm]
[ music | static-x - new pain (demo) ]

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

gribu vēl )

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[02 Jul 2006|04:58pm]
[ music | A Perfect Circle - Judith (Mer De Noms) ]

ahahahhaaa. Man vakar bija izrubījies telefōns, un tikai tagad saņēmu sms no [info]art_fatal :DD Piedod, ka neatbildēju!!! :]] Bet es tiešām tevi nepamanīju! Un vinita aizgāja ēst :D

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[ viewing | July 2nd, 2006 ]
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