Scientific breakthrough of the afternoon!
Nov. 20th, 2007 | 07:01 pm
no:: overburn
Uzpeldēja samērā interesants jautājums un man uznāca iekāriens pameklēt patiesu atbildi. Tadadadadada-dam! Piparmētras neizraisa impotenci!. Esmu ticis smagi maldināts, lai gan pats ar piparmētru tēju neaizraujos. Palasoties vairākos avotos noskaidroju, ka piparmētras pat tiek izmantotas potences pastiprināšanai kombinācijā ar žeņšeņu un citām huiņām. Vēl piparmētras palīdz pret vērdergraizēm, nomierinoši iedarbojas uz gremošanas sistēmu, ārstē nelabumu, galvas sāpes, nodrošina visa organisma muskuļu tonusu un atslābšanu, atsvaidzina elpu un palīdz kakla sāpju gadījumā.
Dienas citāts -> "People... what a bunch of bastards!" / Roy from The IT Crowd /
Dienas sajūtas ->
Knock down the walls-
It's alive in you
Knock down the place-
You're alone it's true
Knock down the world-
It's alive in you
You're gonna keep your head up through it all
You're gonna bust out on it-
Original Prankster
Break out, yeah -
Original, yeah
Bust out on it-
Original Prankster
You'll never stop now, stop now, that's what the Main men say
You can do it!
/ The Offspring - Original Prankster /
Dienas citāts -> "People... what a bunch of bastards!" / Roy from The IT Crowd /
Dienas sajūtas ->
Knock down the walls-
It's alive in you
Knock down the place-
You're alone it's true
Knock down the world-
It's alive in you
You're gonna keep your head up through it all
You're gonna bust out on it-
Original Prankster
Break out, yeah -
Original, yeah
Bust out on it-
Original Prankster
You'll never stop now, stop now, that's what the Main men say
You can do it!
/ The Offspring - Original Prankster /