
Dec. 15th, 2007 | 06:05 pm
mood: anxious
klausās: Serj Tankian feat. Tony Iommi - Patterns

... jo nobastoju baseinu, uz kuru tik ļoti gribēju iet šorīt :D

Life is a story
Go ahead and find your sight

But to live means to be here
In the present now
Do try to bow for the gift of your day
Then you cede to the morning sun

Pretending that we see doesn't give us the sight
Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive

/ Serj Tankian feat. Tony IommI - Patterns /

I'm no pretender.

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'tis is a great fucking shit!

Dec. 15th, 2007 | 11:46 pm
mood: amused
klausās: Stranglers - Golden Brown

Me Dag! ( in gypsy-English it means DOG :D ). Tik labi pavadījis laiku viens pats pie PC un pilnā kaklā smejoties ( mamma pajautāja vai man viss kārtībā ar galvu :) ) sen nebiju. MUST SEE( ar mani var sarunāt ).

Guy Ritchie is ingenious director. Period.

Labākie citāti.

You know.... fish, chips, cup of tee, bad Food, worse weather, Mary 'fucking' Poppins - London.
Never underestimate predictability of stupidity.
Every action has reaction and Parkey reaction is quite a fucking thing.

PS. Soundtrack kā vienmēr ideāli piemeklēts filmai.

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