outcast's journal

16. Augusts 2007


kaut kur atradusies bumbiņa rokā, kaučuks piepildīts spīduma plēksnītēm.
- es iešu pusdienā, kāds vēl ies? -
tuk tuk, ātri viens otram sekojoši klusi troksnīši bumbiņai atsitoties pret galdu
- šādiem pasākumiem jābūt vēl vairāk, man tagad tik daudz gadu, gribās vairāk visus apmeklēt -
tuk tuk, tuk tuk. Neritmiski vēl, bet tik patīkami dzidri un neiederīgi. Savējie troksnīši.
- viņi taču tikko apprecējās! Tas bija tik skaisti. Andrejam arī kaut kas drīz plānojas! -
ritmiska kalkulatora pogu dipoņa, klaviatūra mīksti gremo burtu secības
tuk tuk, tuk tuk, tuk tuk tuk. Aritmija. Katrs aizņemts, iegrimis darbos, tad arī pieceļos, salieku visu koferī, izeju pa durvīm un pacilātas pārmaiņu sajūtas spārnots aizlevitēju uz māju pusi. Šeit vairs neatgriežīšos.

....rooooozāā lietus līīst .... :)

12:59 - yes

This Neo-Dada, which they call New Realism, Pop Art, Assemblage, etc., is an easy way out, and lives on what Dada did. When I discovered the ready-mades I sought to discourage aesthetics. In Neo-Dada they have taken my readymades and found aesthetic beauty in them, I threw the bottle-rack and the urinal into their faces as a challenge and now they admire them for their aesthetic beauty.

Marcel Duchamp

13:57 - nonsence verse

'I see' said the blind man
to his deaf wife
over a disconnected telephone
in 1866.

One day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back-to-back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And rushed to save the two dead boys.
A paralyzed donkey walking by,
Kicked the copper in the eye,
Sent him through a rubber wall,
Into a dry ditch and drowned them all.
(If you don't believe this lie is true,
Ask the blind man -- he saw it too!)
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