Fuck. - July 20th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 20th, 2012

[Jul. 20th, 2012|12:40 am]
Un vispār, kur tad ir kāda laba izklaide bez drusciņas riska?
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Over the hills and far away. [Jul. 20th, 2012|11:02 pm]
Kaujā vienmēr ir vieglāk, nekā gaidot kauju.

Gaidu V, lai varētu izpļāpāties, pierīties un piedzerties. Most fun.
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A simple prop, to occupy my time, A. [Jul. 20th, 2012|11:49 pm]
[music |REM]

The only thing worse than a man you can't control is a man you can.
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