Fuck. - June 30th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 30th, 2012

No dry humps, please. [Jun. 30th, 2012|12:10 am]
[music |Šķēru Māsas]

You know, baby, when I was taking my pantyhose out of their egg this evening, I thought I'm going to find that man that is the right shade of bottle tan, a man that smells like cocoa butter and cash. Take me any way you like it: in front of the fireplace, in front of your yacht, in front of my parents, I don't give a damn, baby, just take me any which way you can.
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Nice shoes, wanna be apart for the whole summer? [Jun. 30th, 2012|12:37 am]
Kas nu atkal vainas? Kāpēc uz vasaru vienmēr tādi niķi, ka atšķetinos?
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