Sirmgalvis - September 30th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 30th, 2005

Pilseeta - reegs [Sep. 30th, 2005|10:25 am]

"Off the westernmost coast of Japan, is an island called "Gunkanjima" that
is hardly known even to the Japanese. Long ago, the island was nothing more
than a small reef. Then in 1810, the chance discovery of coal drastically
changed the fate of this reef.

As reclamation began, people came to live here, and through coal mining the
reef started to expand continuously. Before long, the reef had grown into an
artificial island of one kilometer (three quarters of a mile) in perimeter,
with a population of 5300.

Eventually, the mines faced an end, and in 1974 the world's once most
densely populated island become totally deserted. The island, after all its
inhabitants departed leaving behind their belongings, became an empty shell
of a city where all its people disappeared overnight, as if by some
mysterious act of God.
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[Sep. 30th, 2005|01:18 pm]
jauka zviedru naiviste:)
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