Sirmgalvis - September 8th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 8th, 2004

[Sep. 8th, 2004|05:12 pm]
mans koljega meklee dziivokli, mosh var kaads paliidzeet:)

i'm looking for a new apartment or for some room or two in a (funny) shared

- as central as possible, and as close to the office as possible (preferably
but not necessarily in this area here; all around hanzas, vilandes,
strelnieku, antonijas, ausekla, beginning dzirnavu, citadeles, and so on).
- none of this euro renovation stuff; but of course intact tubes and
infrastructure would be nice. old is fine, shabby is okay (saves money and
makes it simplier for me to make a mess).
- easy handling (meaning: i don't need to actually DO anything with it, i
can just come and live there and won't have too much worry with
administration procedures).
- one room and one guest room are enough (guests i have quite often)

if anybody knows sth, let me know pls. thanks!
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[Sep. 8th, 2004|05:22 pm]
Vispaar tas alkohols ir BAIGAA inde, zaraza un uz nedarbiem musinaataajs:((
Un jaa... tu shoriit biji briinishkjiiga:)
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