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that is all what i can say now.. Dec. 29th, 2005|09:46 am

There was a time when I felt like I cared
That I was shorter than everyone there
People made me feel like life was unfair
And I did things that made me ashamed
Cos I didn't know my body would change
I grew taller than them in more ways
But there will always be the one who will say
Something bad to make them feel great

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you

thnx. for beinG with me sinCe i remember myself...tieshi kOpaa ar tevi izauGa mana būtība, persOnība...ar tevi kOpā es esmu tik daudz kOpā piedzīvOjusi...izraudājusi,izsmējusies...
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