6. Maijs 2004
Standartus cienošs WYSIWYG redaktors
XStandard is simply the most advanced, standards-based WYSIWYG editor on the market. It is designed for any Windows or browser-based content management system that supports ActiveX. XStandard manages rich content in any language, has strong accessibility features, and supports popular editing options including tables, wrapping of text around images, and file drag & drop into the editor.
Redaktors ģenerē XHTML Strict vai 1.1 kodu. Mīnuss — pārlūkam jāatbalsta ActiveX.
via WaSP Buzz
Nobel e–Museum
In the course of the 20th century, mankind experienced some of the most devastating wars of all times. Where did these wars take place? Have some regions experienced more wars than others? Who were the main protagonists in these conflicts? This map gives you the opportunity to answer these questions. It displays wars with at least 1,000 military battle deaths.
Arī visādi citādi izglītojošs resurss.
via linkdup