[info]laacz rakstīja
11. Jūnijs 2003, 22:51

background info

Visā visumā, Microsofts pats saka:

ClearType is a software technology developed by Microsoft that improves the readability of text on existing LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays), such as laptop screens, Pocket PC screens and flat panel monitors. With ClearType font technology, the words on your computer screen look almost as sharp and clear as those printed on a piece of paper.

Iekš web setupa jamie papildus pieraksta:

Readability on CRT screens can also be somewhat improved.

Vispār, nav gluži tā, ka pieklibo tikai mūsu specifiskās diaktriskās zīmes. Galvenokārt pieklibo mazā fonta izmērā esošs teksts. Šis defekts neeksistē uz LCD monitoriem.

Manuprāt uz CRT prātīgāk ir likt (ja vispār likt) Standad smoothingu. Vot, tikai, dažbrīd teksts kļūst nelasāms (piem., pie mazliet mazāka teksta, nekā normāls, ja tam uztaisa small-caps).

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