nulomiel's Journal
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Friday, January 16th, 2009

    Time Event
    i'm gettin ready to head to school
    i'm gettin ready to head to school, but there was some important shit i needed posted... ok last night we played poker (and a few games of dice) until about 2:15 or so... well i came out ahead last night, about 55 or 60 dollars ahead!!!!!! pretty good for startin out with about 3 or 4 dollars worth of change and 1 dollar bill, you see what makes this even sweeter was that at one time, i had 120 dollars of my own money in the pot, but i took that one so it made no difference... you should have seen the looks on their faces when i had to throw that last 60 in, of course they were crackin up, i wasn't freakin out about it so we just played and finally i came up wiht a jack and 2 wild cards so i was set to take it then. soooo thats about all my news i guess, time to head on over to schoolio

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