"not very nice, but necessary"

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January 6th, 2016


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Ben Michaelis, a psychologist, says, “There is a long history of people coloring for mental health reasons. Carl Jung [founder of psychology] used to try to get his patients to color in mandalas at the turn of the last century, as a way of getting people to focus and allow the subconscious to let go. Now we know it has a lot of other stress-busting qualities as well.”

Basically, if you are having a rough day at work or just a bad day in general, then feel free to take out some crayons or colored pencils and start coloring. As a parent with children, I’m sure that you will have some coloring books lying around the house. Pick one up and relax!

December 23rd, 2015

Hipster tirdziņš

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Droši vien Latvijā arī pa pilno ar tādiem eko-hipst biznesiem.

December 7th, 2015

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Lūk, kas ir svarīgi:

"The production of machine tools is concentrated in about 10 countries worldwide: China, Japan, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Taiwan, Switzerland, USA, Austria, Spain and a few others. Machine tool innovation continues in several public and private research centers worldwide."

November 27th, 2015

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Most annoiing soong: the prize goes to:

Best Day of My Life - American Authors

Vēl annoingāk to varēja padarīt ar pop aranžējumu, ja nu vienīgi.

November 25th, 2015

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2015. gada 23. oktobrī “ZARA” īpašnieks Amansio Ortega tika atzīts par pasaules bagātāko cilvēku. Modes industrija ir otrā toksiskākā pēc naftas ieguves un pārstrādes.

October 1st, 2015

Kultūras ziņas:

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“Dāmas ar rokassomiņām, kurām ir asas malas, mēdz izsist gleznām caurumus”

September 24th, 2015

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Sākās: "A Japanese-based company Softbank, which has created Pepper the robot, has forced customers to sign a document forbidding its owners from using the humanoid for sexual purposes, as well as creating sexy apps.
Even after having paid nearly $2,000 US dollars for the robot, users may have to return Pepper to its makers should they get too personal with the emotional artificial being. "

September 23rd, 2015

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Kādu laiku nebiju te bijis.
Pamatā viss tas pats: tauta izvēlas upuri – kiviču, kādu lauku avīzes žurnālistu, kas izrādās ir seksists, kādu deputātu, kam acīmredzot nav humanitārās izglītības, un tad visi draudzīgi apdirš.

September 22nd, 2015

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arī labs raksta virsraksts (reāls): "estonian students amplify forest ambiance with megaphone-like library spaces"

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Voodoo, vistas un komunisms. Atbilde: tā ir sala Kuba.

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superīgie ierēdņu piedzīvojumi":

"Bijušais Neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības dienesta (NMPD) vadītājs Armands Ploriņš tomēr ticis apstiprināts jaunajā amatā Rīgas Austrumu klīniskajā universitātes slimnīcā, bet jau šodien no tā atstādināts."

September 21st, 2015

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Bet piemēram...ja tu esi ķirurgs,... vai rakstnieks - vai draugs var tev palūgt pa draugam profesionāluy pakalpojumu tāpat par velti?

September 2nd, 2015

Mušas un kotletes

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Lūdzu, mušas atsevišķi, kotletes atsevišķi. (Kr. tautas paruna)

July 7th, 2015

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Не суетись под клиентом!

July 1st, 2015

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1. jūlijs - pizdec, vasara tikpat kā galā! :O

March 18th, 2015

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Pamelai Andersonei un Tomijam Lee – 180!

March 12th, 2015

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bouncing boobs, slow motion

March 2nd, 2015

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ēdiet vairāk, un, galvenais - pērciet mantas!

February 26th, 2015

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Ku=r var dabūt sterilizētas gaišās akvārija smiltiņas?

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Digitālā Distribūcija.

Interesanti, kas notiek, ja vienu to pašu kontentu dod vairākiem distributoriem - kuri will attempt automātiski likt tavu jauno dziesmu, piem. iTunos. Ar vienu un to pašu "artist" un "song" nosaukumu. ????
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