"not very nice, but necessary"

July 14th, 2014

July 14th, 2014

Alus kritiens:

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Fall from Grace

Pabst Blue Ribbon used to be the beer of the working man. Greasy construction workers and fry cooks would proudly down the piss liquid after work as fast as their battered wives could lovingly serve them. Somewhere down the line, a hipster decided that this alpha male beer would satisfy the subculture's thirst for an ironic beverage. Its irony is flawless for those who drink it fashionably, as it was originally associated with people who actually do work. Now an established image in pop culture and online, PBR is irreparably associated with people who think it is cool to draw mustaches on their index fingers. The company itself has succumbed to this stereotype, erecting billboards and advertising in 'artsy' places, such as Williamsburg and Portland.
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