Par filmu:
"I don't really want to say very much about this film. In some ways, it's a film I wish I could forget. It's a film I will most likely never watch again. I will say that most of the scenes in the film, at least in the first two thirds, are sickening and horrible and full of extreme human cruelty, violence, and gore. However, the film turns into something far worse than that in the last act. The film depicts pure evil and the true deterioration of the human soul and body about as bluntly as it possibly could. I will admit this. I'm not exactly sure what it was that I watched. I know that I will most likely never watch it again, I know that it was well made and had an effect on me, and I know that it was definitely extreme. The film is full of screaming, shrieking, mutilation, and torture, and there was a story and people did things. However, this is a film that is entirely inaccessible for most audiences."