i dont care about art
Nez vai viduslaikos vai citā vēsturoska laikā arī kādam māksliniekam ienāca prātā kaut kas tāds:
"It was around this time that Hirst announced: "I can't wait to get into a position to make really bad art and get away with it. At the moment, if I did certain things, people would look at it, consider it, and then say 'fuck off.' But after a while, you can get away with things." You certainly could, old boy, you most certainly could.""
"It was around this time that Hirst announced: "I can't wait to get into a position to make really bad art and get away with it. At the moment, if I did certain things, people would look at it, consider it, and then say 'fuck off.' But after a while, you can get away with things." You certainly could, old boy, you most certainly could.""