Nowembriic - May 25th, 2003
May 25th, 2003
- eeem...
- 5/25/03 09:49 am
- 'briic ;)
eeem.... runaajot par wakardienas Eirowiziju- nemaz runaat negribas :D
*me favoriiti bija Polji un Rumaanji... k.gan me wienalga... ;P
*me jumps around - my bthday is coming :D
Current Music: Metallica - Die Die My Darling
Current Mood: Juutos galiigi izzhmiegta...
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- ...
- 5/25/03 10:33 pm
- But I'm on the outside, I'm looking in, I can see through you see your true colors... 'Cause inside your ugly, You're ugly like me...I can see through you, see to the real you...
Current Music: Staind - Outside
Current Mood: thoughtful
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