nocebo's Journal
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in nocebo's LiveJournal:

    Sunday, January 20th, 2008
    4:21 pm
    nejaušs atradenis
    un pavisam nejauši kaut kādā dc++ hub'ā tu atrodi kādu ar niku taurenis, kuram ir ne tikai tavas iecienītās BBC filmas, bet arī 1979 gada pārciešot pikaso, un saproti, cik patīkami ir atrast sev līdzīgo
    Monday, December 10th, 2007
    7:15 pm
    bet kas ir identity?
    marcuse was a fierce critic of freudians. they had, he said, helped to create a world, in which people were reduced to expressing their feelings and identities through mass-produced objects. it resulted, in what he called, one-dimensional man.

    ...self expression was not infinite. it fall to identifyable types.

    the sentury of the self, part 3
    Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007
    9:36 am
    kāds par filmu Reprise
    Don't waste your time watching this because it sucks. I watched it with some friends and wanted to kill myself in the theater. I'm not saying that as a metaphor, I really wanted to kill myself just so i would have something to do. The movie is about a bunch of geeks. I feel bad for Henrik Elvestad who is really funny. If you are a teenager don't watch this, but if you're around 23-30 you might want to check it out. If you like movies like American Pie, Scary Movie, Not Another Teen Movie and South Park this is not a movie for you. The movie is about a bunch of friends and two of them are writers (the movie mainly focuses on them) who both are best friends. One of them suffers from some kind of mental disease. They both are writing a book and one of them has released his book, but it didn't please the readers. This movie is too art-house and they call it a drama-comedy, but there is way too much drama and too little comedy, I say this movie should be under the category of Tragedy.
    Monday, August 6th, 2007
    2:14 pm
    jocīgs point of view
    Many people facing serious criminal charges related to sexual conduct would not include a song called “Sex Planet” on their CD, or, if they did, would probably omit the line about a “trip to planet Uranus.”

    New Yorker par R. Kelly un viņa jaunāko albumu.
    Friday, March 30th, 2007
    11:09 am
    kurš te ir apsities - zinātnieki, tulkotājs vai es?
    Šādus dinozaurus zinātnieki redzēja pirmoreiz, tādēļ piešķīra viņiem vārdu — Oryctodromeus cubicularis, ko varētu iztulkot kā midzeni rokošais rikšotājs.
    (c) diena
    Saturday, December 9th, 2006
    11:32 pm
    и рыбку сьесть и на... сесть
    miso zupa ar lečo
    Sunday, November 5th, 2006
    2:18 am
    ja jūties laimīgs, padomā, vai kāds cits nav par to dārgi samaksājis
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