Bābeles netīkls - June 29th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 29th, 2008

[Jun. 29th, 2008|11:06 pm]
Izrādās, cara bērni savulaik dzīvojuši pusbadā, jo ēdienreižu regula paredzēja, ka vispirms ēd pieaugušie un viesi, turklāt, bērni drīkstēja atstāt galdu tikai pēc tam, kad to darīja tēvs.
"Ravenous, Nicholas once attacked the hollow gold cross filled with beeswax which he had been given at baptism; embedded in the wax was a tiny fragment of the true cross. "Nicky was so hungry that he opened the cross and ate the contents — relic and all", recalled his sister Olga". 
(Par Nikolaju II.)
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