Every decoding is another encoding - June 5th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
D. Ašā

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June 5th, 2011

Old Fucking English [Jun. 5th, 2011|12:20 pm]
Word not found
Of course it is 'not found'. This language does not exist.
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[Jun. 5th, 2011|03:28 pm]
Man goda vārds jau asaras acīs dēļ tā stulbā OE.
Es neko nesaprotu un internets man nepalīdz.
Se ðe on ðære fore wære, þæt mon monnan ofsloge, getriewe hine ðæs sleges andða fore gebete be ðæs ofslegenan wergielde: Gif his wergield sie .cc. scillinga, gebete mid L scillingum, and ðy ilcan ryhte do man be ðam deorborenran.

Labi, otrais piegājiens.
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sasmejos [Jun. 5th, 2011|10:00 pm]
Es uzskatu, ka 'hye weye' transkaraibojas kā [hiːə waɪə], bet A domā, ka ir [heeuh weeeuh]. Un man šķiet, ka viena no mums nav īsti labi apmeklejusi fonētiku.
Pie velna, [heeuh weeeuh], tas ir smieklīgākais, ko es esmu dizrdejusi šodien.
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