Every decoding is another encoding - May 2nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
D. Ašā

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May 2nd, 2011

[May. 2nd, 2011|07:02 am]
Nosmējos par to, ko mums jalasa un jaanalizē.
Quoting one of the members of the Leeds Revolutionary Femeinist Group:
"Men are the enemy. Heterosexual women are collabotators with the enemy. All the good work that our heterosexual feminist sisters do for women is undermined by the counter-revolutionary activity they engage in with men. Being a heterosexual feminist is like being in the resistance in Nazi-occupied Europe where in the daytime you blow up a bridge, in the evening you rush to repair it. Every woman who lives with or fucks a man helps to maintain the oppression of her sisters and hinders our struggles."
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science. [May. 2nd, 2011|03:11 pm]
Pasniedzējs: What type of evidence did you use in your essay?
Līva: Scientific theories
Pasniedzējs: And from what source did you take those scientific theories?
Līva: From Bible.

ko??? ko ko ko tu tur teici? Daži cilvēki ir vienkārši apbrīnojai.
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[May. 2nd, 2011|11:36 pm]
Ne es nevaru tādas spēles skatīties. Kreklu gandrīz saplēsu un sāku raudāt. Fak.
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