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frustraacija. Feb. 27th, 2012|09:45 am

Obviously, need to type this in English, as this computer doesn't like Latvian. Sexual frustration is not my thing, but seems that it has hit me. The feeling that my brain's going to explode is so real, that I'm shivering just of the thought that I want to touch him. And he called me a tease. I'm the one who's throwing all my bones at him. Besides, he is just way too nice. THIS BOY IS GOING TO DO SOME DAMAGE. :(
Basically, the damage was done even before I met him, but now it's just stronger. Way stronger.
I usually don't get that obsessed with someone, but since he's being such a...I don't even know what name to call him. All helpful and stuff, but still such a...well, yeah.

Frustration in its highest.
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