dēļ labām atmiņām - January 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 4th, 2008

SUPER [Jan. 4th, 2008|02:48 pm]
[Current Mood |pat ļoti uzvilkta]

neviens man nesaka, kāpēc, bet
VISMAZ VĒL MĒNESI es nedrīkstot nodarboties ar sportu un tāda veida aktivitātēm.
ejiet dirst, ko tad lai es te daru?!
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thank goodness for the good souls, that make life better [Jan. 4th, 2008|09:23 pm]
[Current Music |starsailor - good souls]

If it wasn't for the Good Souls, life would not matter
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