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20. Jun 2004|14:56

Panjeemu graamatu, spilvenu un pledu un izgaaju aaraa, lai paguleetu shuupuljtiiklaa. Saaku lasiit Kobeina dienasgraamatu (Kurt Cobain Journals).

Luuk izvilkumi:
..I've read so many pathetic second rate evaluations from interviews and how I'm notoriously fucked up heroine addict, alcoholic, selfdestructive, yet overtly sensitive frail, fragile, soft spoken, narcoleptic, little piss ant who at any minute is going to O.D., jump off a roof wig out, blow my head off or all 3 at once..

...After doctor I decided to relieve my pain with heroine for wallopin 3 whole weeks, but then the pain came back so I quit. It was a stupid thing and I'll never do it again and I feel real sorry for anyone who thinks they can use heroine as a medicine because um, duh it don't work...

..It's evil, leave it alone..

Njaa, peec shii es paliku domiiga. Ljoti, ljoti domiiga...un vairaaku iemeslu deelj..
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