Es visu laiku turu atvērtu tādu kā log failu. Tur sabirst visādas klientu vajadzības, linki, clipboard (starpliktuves, heh) saturs un visādas citādas lietas. Re, tas tā - ievada vietā.
ieliktņi spārnos
caurums pakaļā
Yep, processing film is almost as simple as "rocket science (stuff a tube full of something burnable and light it)". B&W is even simpler.
an error was encountered while opening a window
Stop ' Try Before ya Buy!
It works pretty much as I expected it to when I was calling it a crippled whore.
pilikia {noun-intransitive verb} Trouble of any kind, great or small; problem, nuisance, bother, distress, adversity, affliction, accident, difficulty, inconvenience, perturbation, tragedy, lack; in trouble, troubled, bothered, cramped, crowded. See 'a'ole pilikia.
inga edite moni
leonards ir ieriice
I was just about to say - don't lead them too much, the little suckers can change direction really quickly. And you might want to consider a 20 guage if you can get in close enough...
laiks dziedeejot
veejsh paar kaapaam
tuksnesii jau sen bez juuras
pores add character, but most consider them unappealing
soft skin but eyes & mouth sharp makes for flattering portraits