Hurricane of Life - May 19th, 2004

About May 19th, 2004

Besis turpinaas...10:49 am
You were my mechanical bride
You were phenobarbidoll
A manniqueen of depression
With the face of a dead star
And I was a hand grenade
That never stopped exploding
You were automatic
and as hollow as the "o" in god

I am never gonna be the one for you
I am never gonna save the world from you
But they'll never be good to you
Or bad to you
They'll never be anything
Anything at all

Psiho01:05 pm
Njā, nu vot tagad mīlīši varb'ūt varam man palīdzēt. Man ir vajadzīgs psihologa padoms un tas ir nopietni. Var man meilot vai atstāt kontaktus te. Lūdzu! :))
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