
January 28th, 2013

12:04 am - I'm shit, ok. Don't worry, you won't need to worry long.

I'm shitty friend and shitty anything as far as it concern human beings around me. I need to leave and shut up. So I will. I will, don't worry.


04:05 am - Suits

Tikko atradu jaunu seriālu, kurā noslīkt - Suits. Vienkārši lieliski aktieri, lielisks humors un balansēšana uz naža asmens bad one/ good one. Neal Caffrey stiliņš.
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09:39 pm

Sure, laugh in my face as I'm nothing to you anyways.

09:48 pm - I don't believe you

Nevienam tas tāpat nav vajadzīgs. Cilvēkiem tā nav vērtība. Nē, tas ir kaut kas trotuāra cienīgs. Tur tam pāri staigāt, novazāt un nodriskāt. Vairs neticu. Vairs neuzticos. 

There are these invisible lines and you've crossed them.
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