
May 1st, 2012

02:04 am - Leave me alone you fools!

SH: "I think you should know that I consider myself married to my work..."

Still, will you have dinner with me?

Sometimes I don't understand some people. Right now I don't want anyting from anyone.

Just leave me alone, you fools! There is nothing I can possibly give you and you can't fix me by saying nice things. I reject them as they seem unreal and unnecessary. I have no interest in you or what you can offer to me.

All the attempts just reopens newly closed wounds. All the little things special about him and me just hounts me on every corner. I close my eyes and still can see and feel the closeness of two souls.

So don't even try, as I feel like betraying these memories and pureness of them.

09:35 pm - Coctail

Back and forth with my thoughts. Brīžiem šķiet tagad viss ir vienkārši, esmu tikai es. Brīžiem gribētos kādu samīļot. Brīžiem šķiet, ka sirds nobeigsies. Tad atkal viss apmācas un paliek skumji un vēsīgi. Saritinos sedziņā un pazūdu domu plašumos. Tad atkal sajūtos vainīga un gribas atvainoties. Pēc brīža cenšos iestāstīt, ka tā nebija tikai mana vaina un ka viņš ir muļķis. Eh, sviests.

Paralēli tam visam eksāmeni. Drīz jau būs cauri arī lietas ar šo skolu un tad mēnesis atpūtai, tad Igaunija.

Tā ir. Jāsaņemas.

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